Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Houston Has a Problem....With Duke Nukem Forever

I caught this while I was eating lunch today purely by chance. KHOU channel 11, my local CBS station in Houston aired this negative report on the launch of Duke Nukem Forever. Their main complaint about the game (obviously from somebody that has not played it) is that there are nude strippers and that you can slap kidnapped women on the butt as you rescue them. Boy, they don't know the half of it. I've only played it for an hour and they left out dismembered bodies, blowjobs, interactive peeing, throwing human excrement, and the fact that you punch people in the face indiscriminately. I don't know why they had to look at some hacker's video to get material for their report. They could have just played the game a bit. I love that old lady anchor Lucy Nolan when she says "What did the people that made the game have to say for themselves", like they should be ashamed. Then she goes on to say that someone could go in a store and buy it by "acting" like they're 17. What the hell? Don't buy your kids game consoles if you want to make sure they don't play mature games. No kid can afford a $200-$300 console unless their parents buy it for them or they have a job!

You can watch the news report below:

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