Thursday, June 16, 2011

Alice Madness Returns Downloadable Content

When I put in my Alice Madness Returns disc I noticed a tab for downloadable content. For 160 Microsoft points you get 6 new dresses and 4 new weapons. Each one of the new items has a different powerup. I took some pics of the new dresses and weapons on my Nintendo 3DS and am posting them here:

Dress #1-- Caterpillar: Shrink sense always on. (good for finding secrets)

Dress #2-- Cheshire: Disables all rose drops from enemies (Kinda looks like Avatar. I would assume you use this dress when you want a more challenging experience, since those rose drops are health)

Dress #3: Checkmate-- Doubles damage for all weapons (This is my favorite new dress along with the Mad Hatter one)

Dress #4: Fleshmaiden-- Hysteria anytime (creepy and disgusting. reminds me of Dead Space)

Dress #5: Late But Lucky-- Imbued with the power of Shrinking Violets (dont really know what this means yet)

Dress #6: Hattress-- Lose teeth instead of health (teeth are what you use to upgrade weapons. I guess maybe you would use this after you've fully upgraded your weapons. Like right now, I have over 2000 teeth but cannot use them for anything so why not use them for extra health)

Weapon #1: Vorpal Cleaver-- Doubles damage for all weapons (wow, this would quadruple damage wearing the Checkmate dress)

Weapon #2: Octo-Grinder -- Doubles damage for all weapons (ranged weapon)

Weapon #3: Knightmare-- Restores health with every hit

Weapon #4: Catnip Cannon-- Increases damage to enemies by half

So far I'm loving this game. It reminds me a lot of some of my favorite games like Tomb Raider, Mirror's Edge, and Heavenly Sword. I'll get into that later. I'll be posting some other pics I took in-game later. Also, Alice's dresses do change during the course of the game as she progresses to different areas. The dresses I took pics of above will not be available unless you buy the downloadable content. On the menu screen, it allows you to equip the dress and weapons you want. I'm doing my first playthrough with the default stuff.


  1. Hi! I found this completely at random... but for the longest time, I was really stumped for what the "Late But Lucky" dress does, too. I finally figured it out the other day - you steadily recover health over time. :)

  2. Hey, I was wondering if you could still download these dresses/weapons if you purchased your game through Steam? Would they be available through a Nexus Patch, or the Steam Workshop, do you think?
