Monday, June 6, 2011

Almost 11PM and All is not Well

So where is this awesome 3DS update I've been waiting on for 2 months? There was a spot pass update this morning saying there was going to be an update, but as of this moment, 10:45pm in Texas, there is no update. No status report or anything on the Nintendo site or on their twitter. Ridiculous. I've already pretty much decided that I made a big mistake in buying the 3DS. There are no good games in sight. I'm not a Zelda fan and that game has been cast as the system's Messiah. The only big games on the horizon are remakes, including Zelda. I'm talking about Devil Survivor and Tales of the Abyss. Boring. I don't see any games coming out this YEAR, much less in the next month or so that interest me.

And then the Playstation Vita selling for the same price but yet kicks the shit out of the 3DS in terms of games and functionality. And then Nintendo is going to make a new console on top of that. Is the 3DS a throwaway half measure to boost sales for Nintendo to fill in the gap between Wii and Wii 2? I mean, are they even going to support this system, or are they just going to do half ass remakes and run off with the money? I don't even see "Project Cafe" as a real console. They're just trying to make money short term. Who knows, I might even get up and just throw my 3DS in the garbage. I'm probably going to buy a DS Lite.


  1. first.
    and LOL - also waiting for update

  2. Give Zelda a try...And have you heard about Kid Icarus: Uprising? I don't know if its out but it is going to be good.
