Sunday, April 3, 2022

Morbius (Movie Review)


Morbius (2022)
Directed by Daniel Espinosa 
Screenplay by Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless

I remember as a kid one of the first comic books I ever had was an issue of Spectacular Spider-Man that featured an encounter with Morbius the Living Vampire. It scared the living shit out of me at the time. I was creeped out by vampires. Another Marvel vampire villain that had the same effect on me was Baron Blood in the old Invaders series. I guess maybe vampire baddies were a lot more dangerous and horrifying because they were not after money or power...they were after blood, and left unchecked they usually killed their prey.

To tell the truth I was not expecting much from this movie. It kinda looked schlocky from the tv ads and movie trailers but I knew at least it would be ok. Marvel goes all out on their big titles like Avengers but ever since Black Widow relatively tanked, they have been a lot more conservative about putting all their chips in on a big box office gamble. They've been satisfied putting out stuff on Disney+. I think the success of the latest Spider-Man movie caught them off guard. It was a return to pre Covid levels of box office. I guess we will see where they really stand once Doctor Strange comes out. 

Morbius is a B-movie, much like the two Venom movies that came out before it. You can tell Disney and Sony did not put their A level writers or other staff on it. It's a one off meant to set up some new villains to show up later in the Tom Holland universe. I doubt they expect it to do more than make a little profit or break even but it will establish the brand of the character so audiences know who he is later on. 

Michael Morbius has suffered from a blood disease his whole life. After growing up in an hospital with his friend Milo who also has a blood ailment, Micheal swears to find a cure! Over the years he has become the world's foremost blood pathogen specialist and runs a hospital. Meanwhile, Milo has become a very wealthy man through his shady business dealings. He is bankrolling Morbius's research into a cure, even when that research crosses the line legally and ethically. 

Michael Morbius succeeds in finding a cure through bat research but it turns out it's worse than this former disease. He gains all kinds of super powers, like super speed and strength, bat radar, the ability to fly etc, BUT he also cannot go without drinking blood about every 6 hours! He slightly kills some people before understanding what has happened to him. Things get more complicated when his friend Milo wants that same cure and he's a lot more shall we say....unrestrained when it comes to murdering others. 

If you go into this movie with low expectations you will find it entertaining. But it will also remind you why you didn't miss going to the theater during the covid peak. Because at that point most of what was coming out of Hollywood was mediocre. It feels like ever since the Infinity arc concluded, Marvel hasn't been sure of what their next steps would be. So now they are bombarding us with shows and movies about characters that nobody really care about. Or those who aren't worthy of a stand alone title. 

I do not even think Jared Leto is a STAR. He is more famous to me because he is WEIRD, not because he is a talented actor, and he is a supporting actor, not a lead. Matt Smith is also woefully miscast as Milo, especially when he goes on his murder spree wearing what looks like your dad's jogging shoes. He is just never menacing or scary. He just seems kinda goofy. 

This movie isn't bad. It isn't good. Is it worth seeing at the morning or afternoon matinee? Sure. It was entertaining. 

My Grade: C

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