Sunday, May 24, 2015

A-Force #1 : Comic Book Review

A-Force #1
Written by Marguerite Bennett and G. Willow Wilson
Art by Jorge Molina
Price: $3.99

The multiverse has been destroyed and only the planet of Battleworld remains, composed of isolated islands of life where Earth's superheroes are living out alternative lives from the ones we know. Dr. Doom is the supreme ruler of all existence. But he is more than a ruler. He is a GOD.

The A-Force, led by She-Hulk, is an all female version of the Avengers, whose duty is to protect their city of Arcadia. Life is pretty blissful with just a few petty crimes, so the girls don't have a lot to do to keep the peace. All that changes when the team is attacked by a giant megaladon shark that should have been extinct 2 millions years least in the destroyed earth of our past.

I was prepared for either of two reactions to this book: It was going to be a man bashing feminist tract OR it was going to be targeted at horny men with females in tights and big tits jiggling everywhere. Much to my relief, this first issue of A-Force is neither. It's just good clean fun and very old school in its writing. It's also a great jumping on point for the marvel universe. There are identifying boxes as each character takes action and they also give some exposition about the nature of their powers before they use them. It was really great. And the fact that the girls are fighting against a giant monster makes the plot carry a lot less baggage than if it had been some supervillain with 50+ years of backstory. I loved the fact that this book doesn't really target men or women. It targets comic readers!

 I am really intrigued by the hispanic Miss America since I don't follow Marvel very closely and am getting my first exposure to the character. She's beautiful and I love her spirit and her costume design. I'm definitely gonna have to check out her other appearances in the Young Avengers. By far she is the strongest character in this book. She deserves her own title!

Besides making me a fan of Miss America, this first issue has also made me a devotee of Jorge Molina. The art is just so godly. He can just do it all, handling the action and non-action scenes with equal skill and technical mastery. I am completely blown away and need to start tracking down his other work.

While this is part of the Secret Wars crossover, you really don't need to read any of the other titles to GET the story. In fact, my basic rule is that I'm not just going to pick up every book. I'll look at each title and if it looks interesting, I'll buy it. In fact, I think the main Secret Wars title is frankly quite boring.

This book is a must read and I look forward to issue #2

My Grade: A 

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